Thursday, August 5, 2010


My old assistant Hal just contacted me and sent along some pictures from when I did THURBER'S CARNIVAL in 1975. . .
It was a wonderful production at the Foothills Theater Company in Worcester, MA. We mixed the puppets in with the actors. Here OTTO D. BUMM (c) tries to get Paul Mayberry and Kristen (sorry, don't remember her last name!) drunk.
I'd just discovered INSPECTOR CLOUSEAU, so I put him in the show. I hope Thurber would've approved - - the audience did. (note: it's a rehearsal shot - - the character on the left doesn't have his jacket yet!

Here's the same shot taken from backstage. . .
HAL PEDERSON (L) and me.
How GROUCHO MARX made it into Thurber's Carnival is the secret woid.
Here's how he came to life!

I was a very happy puppeteer doing Thurber. Great audiences, wonderful production, and I fell for a beautiful actress named Janet. . .


  1. Craig,I thought that the name of the tramp puppet character was

    "Hoboken"? Did he have a different name..when you first performed

    with him?


  2. What a great memory you have, Mr. KTV. His full name is OTTO D. BUMM - - The Hobo From Hoboken.
